Abbey Church, Saint John's University, MN
Collegium’s signature event is the annual week-long colloquy, which is hosted by a rotating trio of schools: Saint John’s University in Collegeville, MN, University of Portland, OR, and College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.
The 2025 colloquy will be held at Saint John’s University from June 6-13, 2025.
Faculty participants move among plenary talks, small group conversations led by mentors who are themselves Collegium alums, and time for both communal and individual reflection and prayer. Readings, poetry, works of art and film provide daily structure and substantive sources of insights and further questions, always with the aim of helping people more deeply understand the nature of their vocation and the vital contributions they make to the mission of their home institution. Because the rhythm of the colloquy depends on a shared commitment of group members to a process that takes a week to develop, participants should be able to commit to being present throughout the colloquy.