
As St. Benedict notes in The Rule, “Beauty and order are contagious; so are ugliness and disorder. Make time in your day, each day, for beauty.”

At this part of the site, we offer a brief oasis of beauty, in the form of images, videos, songs, poems and prayers that are meant to re-kindle your flame.

Treasures from The Saint John’s Bible
Find portals to 90-second Moments of Beauty featuring illuminations from this masterpiece that require only your presence. Got 15 minutes? Then follow the link for guided scriptural meditations that accompany illuminations.

A Moment of Spiritual Balm
Whether it’s headlines bombarding you during doom-scrolling, piles of papers to grade or just the frenetic pace of a very full life, these 2½ minutes of The Unveiled singing their acapella version of the Zimbabwean Tungamira may offer you a gratifying moment to stop, breathe, and know that you are beloved. The spirit of the Shona words is “Do not cry because I am with you and I will guide you.” Amen!

A Moment of Spritual Refreshment
End of semester coming at you like an out of control train? Enjoy this ethereal 5-minute choral rendition of Dan Forrest’s poem “The Sun Never Says.”

Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe Me.”
Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.